
An infographic is a visual image used to represent information or data. Read about why infographics work here - "13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics."

Here is a student example about J.K. Rowling from my Introduction to Business class.  The students need to relate the essential questions of our unit to a famous entrepreneur of their choosing.

There are loads of free infographic creators out there; just do a Google search for "Infographic Creator." Here are two that I have used in my classroom:
I suggest students use a template the first time we create one in class. This helps them to focus a little more on content and not so much the design of the infographic.

Why Is This a Great Tool

This tool gives students another way to demonstrate their learning in a visual way. It also allows students who are not so into graphic design/art to create a visually appealing product, but also allows those students to excel in the graphic design/art area to really show case their skills.

Ways To Use It In Your Classroom

Alternative to having the students create a poster
Have students present their infographics to other students in small groups instead of giving a class wide presentation
