Adblock for You Tube

Do you show videos on YouTube, but hate the ads that display before the video you want to show?  Maybe you don't show videos from YouTube because of these ads and the unpredictability of the content of these ads.  Adblock for YouTube is for you. This Google Chrome Extension will remove these ads for you.

To install this extension:
  1. Google Search "Adblock for YouTube"
  2. Click on "Adblock for YouTube - Chrome Web Store" (probably one of your first search results) 
  3. Click on "+ ADD TO CHROME"
  4. You will have to allow it to have access to your websites

Why This Is A Great Tool

This Chrome extension now allows you to show videos from YouTube that support your lessons without having to worry about what Ads will play before the video and/or have to waste classroom time as these ads play before your video.
