
What is it?

NewseumED is a website created by a news museum in Washington, D.C.  This online website is a collection of primary sources and news artifacts for you to use to give your students and up-close look at history.

You will need to create a fee account the first time you visit the site, but after that you can choose to find information through EDTools or by EDCollections.

EDTools are various types of resources put together by this museum.  Examples of tools include Units, Lessons (that are Common Core aligned), Case Study, and Activities.

When searching through EDTools, you can choose to filter your results by things such as Theme, Century, Topic, Grade, or Type of Tool.

EDCollections are resources that the museum has grouped together around a certain topic such as "Making a Change: The First Amendment and the Civil Rights Movement" or "Women, Their Rights, and Nothing Less: The First Amendment and the Women's Suffrage Movement."

How can you use this tool in your classroom?

  • If you are reading a historical fiction book in your class, find some primary sources that go along with the concepts or time period of the book.  
  • Discussing a war? Pull up some primary resources to discuss different points of view or look at the propaganda associated with that war.
  • When talking about historical elections, have the students look at political cartoons and discuss what they mean.
  • Discussing a certain time period in class?  As an introduction activity, pull up pictures of the covers of Life and Time magazine and have students discuss what might have been big events of that time period.
