Interactive Solar System

NASA's Solar System Exploration is a fantastic website that allows you to interact with parts of the solar system.  You can explore indepth any of the planets and a few different moons.

Start your exploration by finding something you want to explore by clicking on the arrows on the left or right of the screen.  Once you have something of interest, lets say Pluto, you will click on Explore Pluto.  This takes you to the interactive part.  You can now click on Pluto and rotate it a variety of ways to see a number of items tagged on its surface.  If you click on one of those tags, such as Sputnik Planitia, it will open a side bar with more pictures and information about that tag.  With some items, you can also change views and see what the core of the planet is made of or other data such as its topography.

If you look below the planet (scroll down) you will find even more information such as galleries with more pictures or the planet by numbers where you can compare it to other planets in the solar system.

This is a great resource for you to use as an entire class on your whiteboard or SMARTBoard or for students to explore on their own to learn more about what makes up our solar system.
