Updates to Kahoot

Many teachers in our district use the learning game Kahoot!.  While working with a teacher last week, I noticed some changes that Kahoot made that I think many teachers will like.

Nickname Generator

Have problems with students creating appropriate nicknames when playing the game?  If you turn this feature on in the game options, it will randomly assign them a nickname instead of allowing the students to create one.  The students can spin up to three times for different nicknames.  Here are the steps on how to set this up.

Two-Step Join Process

Some teachers have been having an issue with students joining a Kahoot multiple times during a game resulting in many more players than actual students in the class or students not in the room are are joining.  One way to prevent this is to not show the game PIN throughout the game.

A fairly new feature is the two-step join process.  This process adds an additional step in the joining process where students not only need the game PIN, but they will also need to enter a tile Pattern that is show on the screen into their devices. This means that the students have to be in the room to play the Kahoot.  Here are the steps on how to set this up.

Not using Kahoot!?  

Here are some other blog posts I did explaining this resource and ways to incorporate it into your classroom:
