VR in Middle School and High School Classrooms

This year VR has been popular at the middle school and high school.

One high school social students teacher gave his students a tour of the nervous system.  He used the experience to introduce new parts of the nervous system and to bring together information they had already covered in class.

Another high school social studies class used the VR kit and YouTube 360 videos to bring his students to Mecca.  With the use of YouTube 360 videos, students took a self guided tour through Mecca and the Hajj.

Science at the high school has also recently used the VR kit.  Biology students traveled inside of a variety of cells as a review of the content they recently discussed in class.

Finally, this past month also visited a middle school classroom where the students used VR to travel to Europe and see up close the geography and landmarks of a country they were studying in Social Studies.
