Google Slides: So much more than a presentation tool!

Google Slides is often used as a tool to share information with students through a presentation.  However, with a few tricks, it can be used for so many other things!

Change Slide Size
By changing the size and orientation of the slides, a teacher can use Google Slides to create such things as interactive worksheets, newsletters, and posters.

To change the size of your slides to a standard size of paper:
1. Go to File and then Page Setup
2.  Choose Custom from the drop-down menu
3.  Choose inches
4.  Adjust the inches to 8.5 x 11.
5. Click OK

** This will adjust the size of all of the slides in that presentation.

You can now use the drawing tools (shapes, text boxes, images, etc) to create your handout, poster, newsletter, etc.  Here is an example of a poster created using Google Slides:

Add in Diagrams
Are you looking at create a handout with a diagram?  Want students to complete a comparison diagram or timeline on their Chromebook?  Google Slides has diagrams already created for you!  You can find them under the Insert menu.
