5 Ideas for Student Created Video in Math

In the blog post Tools for Simple Student-Created Videos, I shared tools that students could use to create videos on their Chrombooks or iPads.  These tools included School Video Recorder, Seesaw, and Flipgrid.

Here are some ideas of how you can include student-created videos in a math lesson:
  • Explanation Video - Have students solve a math problem on a whiteboard or on paper.  Then have them them create a video explaining how they solved the problem.
  • Math Tutorial - Have students create videos explaining how to solve a math problem with the intent of posting these videos for other students to watch when they need help.  These could also be share with parents to help their students with math practice at home.
  • Create a Song or Rap - Have students create a song or rap to help themselves and fellow classmates remember a math equation or strategy.
  • Weekly News Show - Have students create a TV news style video share a current event dealing with math
  • Math Around Us - Have students find something do with math around the school building (a shape, angle, etc.)  Using a video, students can explain what they found.
